Free HTML pdf Ebook
Have you ever wished an affiliate program you've joined offered HTML basics lessons or a free HTML coding Ebook for you to learn how to create catchy banner ads that create conversions?
Its easy to join an affiliate program, in fact it's way easier than applying for and getting a job. What's not easy and frustrating is joining an affiliate program/network like ClickBank and your affiliate knowledge only allows you to make use of text/hoplinks. Text links are good for conversions, I'm sure you agree but aren't as eye catchy as banner ads since they are so subtle and don't show you're redirecting a visitor to a third party site. HTML banner ads on the other hand are like having an advertisement on your site.
Images sell, everybody knows, that's how restaurants will have you order food that doesn't exactly match what you saw on the menu - images, the power's in images. What's more frustrating is searching "Learn how to HTML" and someone either wants to sell you an animator, Ebook on HTML basics to learn how to HTML and if that's not the case the site offers information about information. ClickBank gives you affiliate training, HTML links and tells you advanced affiliates know how to code, what about the new guy the new affiliate? Where should they find information instead of spending countless hours online looking for the right source. Fortunately they do offer textlinks but some affiliate programs or affiliate networks only make use of HTML banner links
Enough about all that, most HTML pdf Ebooks are from 300 to 864 pages long but I found a free 18 page HTML basics pdf Ebook that breaks down how to HTML and understanding how to code. What's great is this HTML basics book is not only is it 18 pages short but explains what HTML tags mean, their purpose and how to use HTML on notepad to your browser.
You'll learn how to:
Use a text editor to author an HTML document
Be able to use basic tags to denote paragraphs
create hyperlinks to other documents
create an email link
add images to your document
use a table for layout
apply colors to your HTML document
Eventually you'll never scratch your head trying to understand what in the world to do with that HTML code you're given to work with.
Enough talk! Let's HTML!
What's HTML coding?
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is used as a building block for creating websites.
Learning HTML Coding
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