Web Hosting
Web hosting is necessary for your website to be visible in search engines. Without web hosting your site is as good to have never existed. Looking at the brighter side web host services are not expensive at all & in fact they give you an advantage to earn far more profit than the little you had invested. Most web hosts we have listed offer marketing credits/coupons to boost traffic to your site which leads to huge affiliate commission. The reason why most people create websites and write blogs is to monetize their site. And just like how a business functions, you want to maximise profits, meaning spend less and return more.
We have list 4 of the best web hosting sites with external customer reviews and ratings with bargain premium upgrades. The web hosts are listed in ascending order. The overall ratings are based on the following criteria:
rating by whoishostingthis.com (393 reviews)
1. Host Gator
Host Gator boasts unlimited disk space, unlimited brandwidth, 24/7 great customer service, $100 Google Adwords marketing credits & 45 day money back guarantee. More options with Host Gator is their VSP hosing & Reseller hosting. Host Gator is great for the price of $3,96 concerning the fact that you do not lose out on much if you don't upgrade to higher premium hosting for these great services. The cons are the Reseller ($19,96/mo) & VSP (15,96/mo) packages are expensive
rating by whoishostingthis.com (198 reviews)
2. iPage
iPage is easy to use for new & advanced site owners. iPage offers unlimited disk space, brandwidth & unlimited email addresses. iPage is great for online stores or if you sell something from your site. iPage offers a shopsite coupon worth $20/mo for premium upgrade. On Shopsite you can market your online store. Further coupons are 1GB Just Cloud storage space, site lock $100 value & Wordpress blogging tools most Wordpress users would pay for. It is important to check if your web host has a security suite. iPage has a daily malware scan, constant network scanning & daily spam scan this would cost you a $100 but free for iPage subscribers.
rating by whoishostingthis.com (168 reviews)
3. Arvixe
hosting since 2003. hosting from $3,27/mo The pros: Provides Linux
hosting(PHP, MYSQL) & Windows web hosting(ASP. Net, MSSQL). select your site demography feature coming soon, unlimited dsk space, unlimited data transfer, 24/7 US based client support. Bonus:$100 Google Adwords & $75 Yahoo or Bing marketing credits for any plan you subscribe for and a 60-day money back guarantee. Great customer support with live chat option. Arvixe not only hosts for blogs it also host well for forum, Ecommerce, social network and video sharing software hosting,
rating by whoishostingthis.com (159 reviews)
4. Green Geeks has been hosting since 2006.
Whether you run a personal site such as a blog or a site for business purposes, Green Geeks has the best tools to advertise your site: free marketing package, search engine and SEO tools. Their servers are 300% wind powered hosting, meaning that any website hosted by GreenGeeks has a negative carbon footprint making the site operate faster. E-commerce features for online stores, features include: Magneto shopping cart, OS shopping cart & Pretashop shopping cart. You also get a 30 day money back guarantee. Hosting begins from $3,96/mo. Cons: Website builder takes time to learn. The Green Geeks affiliate program is also great for affiliates as it also offers a sub-affiliate commission. This is a definite Win-Win
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